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MiMo Keyboard is a custom iOS keyboard that allows you to create and share your own emojis. As easy as snapping, editing, and sharing, MiMo Keyboard lets you stretch your imagination and change the way you communicate. The possibilities are endless.

Enough about us – let’s talk about you. The 24-hour texter. The emoji-aholic. The self-proclaimed social media mogul. We know you’re out there, and we know you’re sick of sending the same old boring emojis.

We’re proud to announce that MiMo is here to end the days of un-originality and change your life. Not only can you create your own emojis (hereafter referred to as MiMos), but you can share them with friends on any platform you want. All you need to do is take a picture or grab an old one from your camera roll, make a few easy edits, and BOOM, you’re ready to send it to a friend. MiMo Keyboard enables you to instantly turn anything into an easily shareable emoji, whether it be a goofy selfie, a cute picture of your puppy, or that artsy shot you took of the amazing burrito you had for lunch last Tuesday.

While we would love for life to always be about funny selfies and cute puppies, we realize its not. Have no fear though, because MiMo Keyboard can be used for more than just cracking up your friends. Know someone having a down day? Send them a MiMo of your smiling mug as a pick-me up. Want to grab a bite to eat with your friends? Shoot them a MiMo that shows them what you’re craving. We could keep going on and on with these examples forever... The power is in your hands now.

We are here to change up the world of texting, one MiMo at a time. We hope you’re ready to join a cause worth fighting for. #emojisarepeopletoo